Smyrna Kids

Led by a hand-picked group of dedicated, experienced mothers, our Kids ministry is fully equipped to provide all your children-from birth to 5th grade-with a safe, loving, fun environment in which to learn about God. If you have kids we encourage you to take them to the west entrance (with the portico) to sign them in and get them into the right class.

Safety first! We know that, above all, safety and security are most commonly the highest priorities for parents and their children and that's why we require thorough background checks for every single children's volunteer that steps foot on our campus. Also, our children's wing is protected with special access doors.

Sunday Morning

We provide childcare during our 11:00 AM worship service and during our 9:45 AM Sunday School hour where the kids learn from 

The Gospel Project curriculum.

Wednesday Evening

We concentrate nearly all our Wednesday evening resources to provide our children with the AWANA experience.

AWANA takes a break during the summer! Our program typically runs from September through May.